A criminal defense attorney is responsible for defending individuals who are charged with crimes and felonies. They represent their clients in the court of law and speak on their behalf. They can either be directly approached by a client or designated by the court of law to do so.
Once the attorney has contacted the client, it is his responsibility to extract all the details of the charges filed against the client; collect the information related to the case and then prepare a strong defense that will help acquit the defendant in the court of law.
This may sound simpler than it actually is as criminal law itself is quite intricate and difficult to grasp. To build a strong case for his client, a criminal defense attorney has to collect information from a number of sources such as the police, the investigators involved in the case as well as the witnesses.
Moreover the attorney has a responsibility towards his client as well. An attorney needs to ensure that all discussions with the clients are confidential. Moreover they need to help the client understand the reality of their case and options that are available to resolve the case.
Helping the defendant deal with the repercussions of facing the criminal charges and supporting him/her till the end of the trial is also part of the day-to-day job of a defense attorney.
At John Medaris Law, we do all this and more! We strive to make sure you know exactly what your situation is and ensure you completely understand your options. We work to bring the best end result possible. We have defended hundreds of individuals, are intimately familiar with our court systems and want to do the same for you!